Sunday, May 26, 2013

Birthday Weekend

Just a quick update Sydney fevered up Friday night and we ended up in the er Saturday morning. Her fever hit a high of 103.7 but they got it under control and diagnosed her with pnemonia and said they would send us home once her fever stayed down. Well, after no fever they decided to admit her because her heart rate was high. So we were admitted at Logan and spent a couple hours there. The pediatrician looked over all her tests and turns out she doesn't have pnemonia but is fighting a bacteria called gram negative. So we headed to pcmc. Logan doesn't have the resources to take care of it if it should turn bad but this is something primary deals with all the time. She is doing well and feels so much better than she did this morning. Kylee and Luke have the kiddos (thank you!!!) And will bring them up today to see her for her birthday and then leave them with Charlie and marilyn. We feel calm about things. Just a little bump.... :-) prayers are certainly appreciated and needed. Today is her birthday and that is a bummer so a text or call or fb message would be great! Love u all, Barbi

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