Friday, September 20, 2013

Port removal

Yesterday was a big day!  Last chemo Sydney's port would not cooperate and she finally ended up getting her chemo through an IV, so yesterday she got her port removed.  It turned out to be quite the long day, but certainly a great one.  And once again, Sydney has proven herself to be amazing!  We checked in for surgery and 11, then headed up to clinic for chemo.  Daniel (my nephew's brother) met us there to watch how things work, since he wants to be a pediatric oncologist someday.  We were excited to have him along!  We are so blessed to have amazing doctors, nurses and staff and we love them.  They have become part of our family. We checked in with Sandy and then headed to Pam for vitals.  Sydney shrunk!  Not really but she didn't spike her hair this time so it just seemed like it.  :-) Our usual nurse, Vanessa, wasn't there and we missed her but we were well taken care of.  Dr Luke (oncologist fellow and all time favorite) and Dr Paul (child psychologist and also favorite) came in and the fun begins.  Dr. Barnett (Sydney's head oncologist) is usually there too but he was running crazy.  Despite the fact that this is a chemo appointment, we have such a good time and love visiting and laughing with the docs.  They are so good to listen as Sydney fills them in on EVERYTHING that has gone on the last three weeks; boys, drama, school, brother antics, Ava's newest tricks, etc.  They tease and joke and love her.  I am so grateful for them!  Not only have they saved her life, but have been her cheerleaders and friends as well.  After our visit and her check up the IV team was called in and they got her IV place on the first try (thanks Taylor)!  PHEW!  She is so tough.  Doesn't even flinch and watches the whole time.  Chemo was administered and then we headed back to Surgery center.  She is all checked and and changed into her gown, etc and then we head to the pre-op waiting area.  There was a darling Downs girl waiting for surgery also, and she kept Sydney occupied.  :-) We didn't have to wait too long before Sydney was called in.  And off she walked with the anesthesiologist.  She was a little anxious but did fabulous.  A year ago they would have had to have heavily medicated her before the surgery began just to keep her calm and gotten her sedated before we left the room!  Isn't amazing how much she has learned and grown through all this.  Justin and I chilled in the parent waiting room and then the doc came to visit.  Everything went perfectly.  Coming out of sedation is always interesting and Sydney is definitely a roller coaster of tears and loopiness.  It is a little comical.  :-)  She was in quite a bit of pain but they got that under control and after about 2 hours we were able to come home.  Getting out the port is a HUGE deal - an end to a very emotional, scary, difficult year. 
We got home about 8 last night and we so happy to be reunited with Ava, Ian and Owen.  A huge shout out to Mic, Amy and Amelia for taken such good care of them while we were gone. 
Today she has been very sore and not feeling well.  A combo of chemo and surgery.  She hardly complains and is such a trooper.  She got a blessing from Justin and our good friend Regan, and has perked up a little.  It is killing her not to lift Ava!  And the boys have been so sweet with her.  She gets to take the bandage off tomorrow and she is excited to see how it looks...once again, where in the world has my timid, scared, anxious daughter gone?  Away with the cancer!  She has grown into such a beautiful, strong young woman and I couldn't be more proud to be her mom. 
Thank you so much for the texts, phone calls, emails, messages and prayers.  We may not respond right away but please know how much it means to us and lifts us up.  We love you all.